What is Really Hurting Radio?
Episode 3 brings a serious focus as Bob and Jon dig deeper to find out what really is troubling the radio industry. BTRS welcomes their first, ever guest, Doug Erickson of Erickson Media. Finally, they’re asking someone who knows what’s going on and offers some insight.
(<– this logo is a clue!)
Another New Show!
It’s been a busy week in the Master Control Room of Audio Aviator’s production center. Bob and Jon actually found enough material to make this second episode longer than the first one released last week.
Episode Two: Going to the Dogs
It’s Finally Here!
Years in the making (really, it’s been three)… spanning our great nation (well, from Indy to Dallas)… it’s time for The Big Time Radio Show!
Episode One: It Starts
Crank up the amp, sit back and enjoy the spectacle of, BTRS!
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